Friday 26 May 2017

Starting over in a new place

I have been finding it very hard to come back to my blog since the last post. 

The last few months I've been finding my feet again.. figuring out what my new normal is.  I feel like I'm getting there.. things are starting moving again, slowly but hopefully surely.

I have built myself a nice new website -  -  it would be great if you could go over, have a look and let me know what you think..  

I have also decided to move my blog over there, so this will be the last post on this blog and a new blog will start soon here  - I would absolutely love it if you join me there and comment please :)  

** Thanks to Ellen for querying how to follow the new blog!  There isn't a simple 'follow' option unfortunately.. but I have set up a 'subscribe to site' option which will send an automatic notification whenever there is a new blog post.  I've also added an RSS button for anyone with a reader who would rathr follow that way. **

You can also find me as FeltersJourney on Facebook and Instagram

Till next time :) 

Be well
Deborah x


Ellen said...

How do we 'follow' on your new blog please?

Lyn and Annie said...

Hello Deborah - lovely new website and looking forward to following your new blog!

Zed said...

Good Luck with the new blog and continuing your felting journey :)

FeltersJourney said...

Thanks folks :)

Ellen, thank you for mentioning that.. I hadn't realised but as it was there was nothing set up for people to follow it!

Unfortunately there isn't a simple 'follow' option. BUT I've set up a 'subscribe to site' button and set the blog to send a notification to the email address of anyone who subscribes. I've added an RSS button too incase anyone with an RSS reader wants to follow that way.

:) xx