Although - I have a `Silly Goose - Moma Goose` design in mind too :o) It`ll be done at some point. I like variety, I dont like to keep doing the same or similar things one after another... I might felt a cape next week?! We shall see...I do have quite a bit of work on, plus my MOT and a possible teacher training day (I know...dreadfull mother not being sure of the dates :o)
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Another Silly Goose
Monday, 15 February 2010
Experimental projects

Thursday, 11 February 2010
Sharing my goodies
Firstly, do you remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you about my friend Keiaras Charity Auction? Well I was lucky enough to be one of the winning bidders; a double helping of happiness - gave money went to a very worthy cause & I gained one of Keiaras gorgeous cupcake pendants.
From the Purple Princess range
Keiara has also donated some of her work to be auctioned off to raise funds for Haiti, this auction features work from many artists - if you would like to know more please follow this link to Keiaras blog post :o)
I also want to show you this beautifull ceramic pendant, handmade by Sarah of Dottery Pottery on Folksy. Sarah has really lovely, quirky ceramic pendants on her Folksy shop. I spotted this one yesterday - fell in love & brought it straight away... voila it was here waiting for me today when I got home from work :o) I love purple & green & this little birdie is just SO cute! Thanks Sarah.
Queen of the exotic birds pendant
Mmm both luuurvly; both are purple & wearing crowns... am I obsessing? I might be, I made myself a new felted watch strap yesterday ... in PURPLE :o) ha
Monday, 8 February 2010
Felting Fun
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Back to work
I shall have to get a photo of somebody suitably attired wearing it :o) I really enjoyed working with Clare making this though, its interesting to try new things and old skills.

HOW many years has the photo added on? Not good!
Today I observed a Homefront session for the first time, I shall be doing that soon too (cant wait). I`ll post more about this later on.
Ah hubbys just got home from work - must run, lovely man to kiss
Monday, 1 February 2010
Buttons & things

Some of them have rhinestones pressed in well, the cupcake sprinkles are glass seed beads pushed well in before baking.
For his birthday Gary played 18 holes of golf in the morning, as he does most Saturdays. One of the men he plays with brought a `Bob the Builder` foil balloon & tied it to his golf trolley while he was inside the clubhouse paying for his round - I would of loved to see him going roung the golf course with his balloon bobbing along behind him :o)
This meant I could spend the morning finishing off his birthday pressy. We have an agreement not to buy expensive presents for each other anyway, have done for years. But I love making presents, its awkard for men though & especially with my hubby cos he doesnt wear hats or scarves. Well I managed to really suprise him this year! I crocheted a little red devil for him. For the last few months we have been smiling over the Virgin media mascot we keep seeing on TV; a really cute little red devil. I decided to have a bash a making one, didnt have a pattern (of course) & in the short time I had I couldnt think how to do his head to allow me to give him an open mouth... of course about an hour after I had finished him I had a eureka moment & figured it out - typical :o) I handed him over as soon as he was finished though so didnt get chance to redo anything... still Gary loves him & thats all that matters, it was just a bit of fun.
Well here he is, sitting on the head of our bed
I cooked Garys favourite meal in the evening; steak, mushrooms, onion rings, tomatoes & chips... with sherry trifle for desert. The steak was delicious - best we have ever had anywhere, I brought it from our freerange butcher about 7 miles down the road - if anybody reading this lives around here & likes freerange meat this butcher is well worth a visit - the service & meats are excellent and the prices much better than freerange at a supermarket! Theres also a great farm shop & plant centre there, they are just outside Kidderminster, on the Stourbridge side - more info on their website here. Ooo yes theres animals too! They have a small herd of alpaca, a couple of sheep & goats plus lots of chickens (some are liberated battery hens) & ducks & some pheasants & peacocks, with a nice picnic area next to the animals. We have spent many a pleasant hour sitting out there in the sun with an icelolly in the summer.
Oh well, time to start working... have a good week :o)