Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Girls days and stuff

Im not posting much at the moment... a) time has flown by (doesnt it always though?!) and b) I havent really got anything new and exciting to blog about at the moment.
Ive had a couple of really lovely girly days out with friends... Infact its been amazing - Id gone for what seemed like ages without seeing or talking with any friends - and then 3 in one week! When it rains it pours hey?!
Clare came over for a very chilled out pleasant afternoon, for lunch we had homemade tomato soup & fresh bread with a delicous herby salad straight from Clares alotment; baby radishes with their leaves (which I didnt know you could eat!) red lettuce, chives, garlic leaves, rosemary, sage, mint and young dandelion leaves with a little ranch dressing. And for desert... victoria sponge cake!
We didnt quite manage to tame the beast that is my `new to me but really quite old` knitting machine. Although I now know that part of the problem was the manual I had been following - it was for an earlier model so no wonder I was having trouble! You Tube is a fantastic help though... I think (touch wood) that I may be getting there with it... We also harvested wild galic from the woods - theres a huge patch of it 30 steps from our back gate :o) and we both cooked some delicious meals with it over the weekend.
Spent another lovely day out with my friend Nicky. We went to the Jinney Ring Craft Centre where we caught up with another friend Brenda Marshall - Brenda has her Felt & Textile studio at the Jinney Ring. We made friends with a moma duck and her baby (soooo sweet!) and generally drooled over the many wonderful items made by the resident artists & artisans. Unfortunately I had a migrain come on just as we were about to come home :o( which wiped me out for the next couple of days.
We really enjoyed the mini heatwave over the weekend :o) And Im sooo glad that we have the new french doors and balcony - they were very well used this weekend! Hope its nice again next week while the kids are off for their half term holiday...
Anyway, more soon...


Unknown said...

Hi Deb
I'm the same with posting lately, havent really got much to say lol but i just wanted to tell you that i'm glad you had a nice week catching up with your friends, despite the migraine at the end lol Hope your feeling much better now !!

Cheers and Happy Felting

FeltersJourney said...

Hi Karen, yes Im much better now thanks :o)

Looking forward to next week, the whole family have the week off... so hope the weather is nice